Brieanne Brannagan Joins MLT Aikins in Winnipeg

MLT Aikins is pleased to welcome Brieanne Brannagan to the firm’s Winnipeg office.
Brieanne maintains a civil and administrative litigation practice with a focus on health law, professional liability and disciplinary matters. Over the last decade, Brieanne has enjoyed assisting physicians in a wide variety of medico-legal challenges. She has developed an interest in reproductive, obstetrical and perinatal malpractice and the associated high-severity damages.
Prior to joining MLT Aikins, Brieanne was a partner at a national law firm in Ottawa. Brieanne has been an effective advocate at all levels of Ontario courts, as counsel at coroner’s inquests and before various administrative tribunals, including the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, and the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board. She has also been a regular speaker at physician education events, and recently appeared on the podcast Emergency Medicine Cases (ep 165 Getting Sued in Emergency Medicine – Practical Tips).
Please join us in welcoming Brieanne to MLT Aikins. Learn more about her practice.