‘Namgis First Nation Enters Collaborative Forest Management Planning Process

British Columbia’s ‘Namgis First Nation has entered into a collaborative forest management planning process with Vancouver-based Western Forest Products Inc.
In September, ‘Namgis and Western announced the launch of the TFL 37 Forest Landscape Plan Pilot Project to jointly develop a plan to sustainably manage Tree Farm Licence 37 (TFL 37). Much of TFL 37’s boundary runs along the height of land closely associated with ‘Namgis territory.
“‘Namgis look forward to starting the work with Western to ensure that our descendants and indeed the descendants of north islanders are able to prosper in a vibrant and sustainable forestry future,” Chief Don Svanvik of ‘Namgis First Nation said in a release.
The pilot project covers the area-based tenure managed by Western, a replaceable forest licence managed by a ‘Namgis-owned corporation and the operating area of the Danyas Limited Partnership, which was established by ‘Namgis and Western in 2015 with the support of the B.C. government.
In addition to charting a path to sustainable forest management, the pilot project is expected to generate recommendations on joint decision-making between ‘Namgis and the province.
A draft landscape plan will be made available for public comment by the end of 2022 prior to the final review and approval by the Provincial Chief Forester.
The plan and accompanying recommendations are expected to inform amendments to B.C.’s Forest and Range Practices Act and contribute to the province’s implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, in addition to strengthening the relationship between ‘Namgis and Western.
MLT Aikins was pleased to act for ‘Namgis First Nation in establishing this pilot project with Western.