Vancouver lawyer Selena Chen discusses how the fast fashion industry is handling supply chain management in a new book published by McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Selena is one of several millennial lawyers who contributed a chapter to Corporate Law and Sustainability from the Next Generation of Lawyers, which focuses on corporations’ roles in advancing sustainability goals and human rights.

In her chapter, “Behind the Veil: An Analysis of Fast Fashion Retailers’ Engagement with Sustainable Supply Chain Management,” Selena examines how fast fashion retailers are handling supply chain risks through public disclosures and corporate social responsibility initiatives.

In Canada, public companies are required to report on ethical business practices and corporate governance – and they could face reputational harm and a blow to their bottom line if their supply chains are exposed to human rights and other sustainability risks.

Investors are increasingly demanding sustainable business practices from fast fashion retailers, which may compel companies to be on their best behaviour – particularly as regulators around the world begin to crack down on misleading corporate sustainability claims.

To learn more about how the fast fashion industry is handling supply chain management and other corporate social responsibility initiatives, read the book from McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Selena spoke with Canadian Lawyer about the book. Read the article.
