Richmond Bayes

Richmond practises in areas of corporate finance/securities law and mergers and acquisitions. Richmond holds an ICD.D designation and provides legal advice to corporate boards and board committees and issuers in furtherance of their fulfillment of their legal duties and mandates, including in connection with mergers and acquisitions, public offerings, private placements, going private transactions, issuer bids, insider bids, business combinations and related party transactions.
Services provided by R J Bayes Law Corporation
Vancouver, Winnipeg
Education & Qualifications
- ICD.D (2024)
- Manitoba Bar (1998)
- LLB (Manitoba, 1997)
- MA (Manitoba, 1994)
- BA (Manitoba, 1991)
- English

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More about me
- Counsel to Decisive Dividend Corporation, a TSXV-listed issuer, in connection with multiple acquisitions, including Blaze King, Unicast, Slimline Manufacturing, Hawk Machine Works, Northside Industries, Marketing Impact, ACR Heat Products, Capital I Industries, Micon Industries, Procore Radiators International, Innovative Heating Technologies and Techbelt
- Counsel to Westcap Mgt Ltd. in connection with formation, structuring and launch of private equity funds, including Westcap MBO funds and Connect Manitoba Growth Fund
- Counsel to Wellington West Holdings in connection with $333-million sale to National Bank of Canada by way of statutory plan of arrangement
- Counsel to Gendis , a TSX-listed issuer, and Special Committee of the Board in connection with its $70-million going private transaction
- Counsel to Private Pension Partners in connection with strategic relationship with private equity firm Ruck Lane Inc.
- Counsel to various issuers in connection with acquisitions, business combinations and corporate reorganizations by way of statuatory plan of arrangement, including:
- Manitoba Telecom Inc.’s acquisition by Bell Canada Inc. (Co-Counsel)
- Canadian Wheat Board’s acquisitions of Prairie West Terminal and Great Sandhill Terminal Ltd.
- Exchange Industrial Income Fund and Exchange Income Corporation in connection with trust conversion and corporate conversion
- Artis REIT in connection with trust conversion
- Temple REIT in connection with trust conversion
- Whiterock REIT in connection with trust conversion
- Huntingdon REIT in connection with trust conversion
- Huntingdon REIT in connection with its merger and combination with IAT Air Cargo Income Fund
- Counsel to Exchange Income Corporation re: its $250-million acquisition of Provincial Aerospace
- Advising issuers (including boards of directors and special board committees) in connection with strategic reviews, going private transactions, business combinations, insider bids, issuer bids and related party transactions
- Counsel to Artis Real Estate Investment Trust in connection with approximately $2 billion of public offerings of trust units, preferred trust units, rated unsecured debentures and convertible debentures
- Counsel to Exchange Income Corporation in connection with multiple public offerings of common shares and convertible debentures
- Counsel to various other public issuers including Decisive Dividend Corporation, Temple Hotels Inc., Marwest Apartment REIT, Huntingdon REIT, Whiterock REIT, Lanesborough REIT in connection with public offerings of equity and debt securities on a bought deal and best efforts basis and listings on the Toronto Stock Exchange and/or TSX Venture Exchange
- Counsel to various capital pool companies (including CPC Trusts) in connection with IPOs, listings on the TSX Venture Exchange and Qualifying Transactions
- Counsel to Underwriters in connection with Manitoba Telecom Systems’ $250-million public offering of common shares
- Counsel to the Canadian Wheat Board in connection with its $500-million privatization and continuance under the Canada Business Corporation Act
- Counsel to various investment vehicles, including private REITs, real estate limited partnerships, public and private venture capital funds and private equity funds in connection with formation, structuring, financings and acquisitions
- Director, Private Pension Partners Group
- Director, FundRaffle Inc.
- Lecturer, Securities Law Course, Faculty of Law (Manitoba, 2001-2022)
- Member, Past Chair, Securities Law Section, Manitoba Bar Association
- Member, Canadian Bar Association and Manitoba Bar Associations
- Member, The Law Society of Manitoba Member, Institute of Corporate Directors
- “Review of Proposed Federal Capital Markets Stability Act and Provincial Capital Markets Act,” Securities Law Section, Canadian Bar Association
- Representative, “Review of Proposed Federal Securities Legislation Proposed by the Expert Panel on Securities Regulation in Canada,” Securities Law Section, Canadian Bar Association (Manitoba)
- “Securities Regulation in Canada: An Inter-Provincial Securities Framework,” Standing Committee of Provincial Ministers, Manitoba Bar Association
- “Bill 24 – The Securities Amendment Act,” Standing Committee on Law Amendments, Manitoba Bar Association
- Lecturer, “Continuing Legal Education on Limited Partnerships as Financing Vehicles,” Manitoba Bar Association
- Presenter, “Community Economic Development Tax Credit Offerings,” Various Community Economic Development Organizations
- Presenter, “Securities Law,” TSX Venture Exchange Company Workshop
- Recognized as a Leading Practitioner, Corporate Finance and Securities, Corporate Mid-Market, Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory (2021-present)
- Recognized as Lawyer of the Year, Corporate Law, Best Lawyers (Winnipeg, 2021)
- Recognized as a Leading Lawyer, Mergers and Acquisitions, Securities Law, Best Lawyers
- Recognized as a Leading Canadian Lawyer, Corporate/Commercial Law, Chambers Canada (2020-present)