More about me

Riley completed her Juris Doctor from the University of Saskatchewan in 2024. Prior to entering law school, she completed a Bachelor of Business Administration degree (with great distinction) from the University of Regina. Riley has been a summer student with MLT Aikins for the past two years.

  • Member, Editorial Board, Saskatchewan Law Review (2022-2024)
  • Member, Labour and Employment Law Club, University of Saskatchewan
  • Member, USask Sisters in Law

  • Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Receivership Class Prize (Saskatchewan, 2024)
  • College of Law Merit-Based Award (Saskatchewan, 2023)
  • College of Law Merit-Based Award (Saskatchewan, 2022)
  • George C. Solomon Proficiency Award in Administration (Regina, 2021)
  • Dean’s List Recipient (Regina, 2018-2021)
  • Academic Silver Scholarship (Regina, 2018-2021)
  • Centennial Merit Plus Scholarship (Regina, 2017)
  • Faculty of Business Administration Excellence Program Entrance Scholarship (Regina, 2017)