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Prior to completing her law degree, Riva worked as a School Teacher on a First Nation–operated school. She obtained her teaching degree from the Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher’s Education Program (SUNTEP). Drawing on her educational background, Riva practises in labour and employment and human rights law, working extensively with employers on these matters. She advises clients on workplace accommodation and wrongful dismissals.

Riva continues to serve Indigenous governments and institutions, providing practical advice on administrative law issues, land management, housing matters and election codes and disputes. She strives to deliver sound advice that is sensitive to the realities facing today’s institutions. Prior to rejoining MLT Aikins in 2023, Riva served as in-house counsel to a large Indigenous institution, advising on employment matters, governance issues and the decision making process.

  • Member, Timiskaming Algonquin First Nation
  • Director, Carmichael Outreach
  • Student Mentor, Mother Teresa Middle School (Regina)
  • Secretary, Aboriginal Law South, Canadian Bar Association (2012-present)
  • Musical performances for various community causes (2000-present)

  • Women’s Secretariat Scholarship (Saskatchewan, 2000)
  • Teachers’ Federation Scholarship (Saskatchewan, 1999)
  • Foundation for the Advancement of Aboriginal Youth Scholarship (1998)

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