MLT Aikins Lawyers to Present to Banff & Lake Louise Hospitality Association

On Thursday, October 5, 2023, lawyers Scott Bell, Aaron Marchadour and Samantha Finkbeiner will be providing a full-day Employment Law Workshop to the Banff & Lake Louise Hospitality Association (BLLHA) in Banff, Alberta.
Samantha will present on accommodation in the workplace from the employer’s perspective. Her session will focus on disabilities under human rights law, accommodation and undue hardship, the duties and obligations of employers, special considerations for long-term disabilities and medical information requests.
Aaron and Samantha will present together on ending the employment relationship. Topics will include employee resignations, frustration and abandonment of employment, termination with or without cause, and constructive dismissal claims.
Scott will focus his session on immigration compliance and case law updates. This will include the latest developments on pre-employment discrimination, updated requirements for anti-abuse policies, and a case law review of foreign nationals as vulnerable workers, as well as federal compliance audits post-COVID-19.
The workshop will finish with a presentation from Aaron on new technology in the workplace. He will concentrate on recent case law regarding employee monitoring, the legal implications of generative artificial intelligence (AI), privacy and confidentiality considerations, and workplace policies relating directly to AI and employee monitoring.
MLT Aikins is pleased to present this workshop in partnership with the BLLHA. Members and non-members are welcome to attend.
The Banff & Lake Louise Hospitality Association is a consensus-building organization that promotes the wellbeing of the accommodation, food and beverage, and tourism sectors in Banff National Park. Since 1974, BLLHA has helped the tourism industry work toward common political and economic interests to benefit the communities of Banff and Lake Louise as a whole.
About the MLT Aikins presenters
Scott Bell practises immigration law with a focus on business and employment-based applications. His clients include private corporations and individuals. Scott has advised various employers and individuals with regard to federal immigration applications, including work permits, Labour Market Impact Assessments, Free Trade Agreement exemptions and permanent residency. He is based out of MLT Aikins Saskatoon office.
Aaron Marchadour is an associate lawyer in the labour and employment and general litigation practice groups at MLT Aikins Calgary office. He advises employers regarding their legal obligations in managing workforces and represents employers in litigation matters. His practice involves a broad scope of employment and labour areas including wrongful dismissal, human rights, workplace investigations, employment standards, contracts and policies, health and safety, and privacy.
Samantha Finkbeiner maintains a general labour and employment practice advising employers on a wide variety of employment issues. Based in Calgary, she also advises on general commercial litigation matters. Samantha provides practical advice to employers regarding labour relations disputes, employment standard compliance, policy development and implementation, hiring, discipline and termination, and human rights issues.