MLT Aikins receives two Manitoba Bar Association recognition awards

On January 18, MLT Aikins accepted two prestigious awards from the Manitoba Bar Association (MBA) in Winnipeg.
The MBA recognition awards honour MBA members who demonstrate excellence and commitment to the law, the legal profession and the community at large. The MBA is a branch of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA). The CBA is the largest professional association for lawyers in Canada, with branches in every province and territory and a national office in Ottawa.
Ian Scarth received the President’s Award of Excellence. According to the MBA, the award recognizes and celebrates a member for their extraordinary contribution to the association and its goals during the preceding year.
In addition, Mouchir Ayoub accepted the Edward (Ned) Brown Headnotes & Footnotes award on behalf of the firm. This award recognized MLT Aikins for its outstanding contribution to the association’s newsletter, Headnotes & Footnotes, over the past year. Over the past several years, associates at MLT Aikins have contributed summaries of civil litigation cases to almost every publication.
“I was thrilled to accept the Headnotes & Footnotes award on behalf of the firm and the many associates who contributed to the newsletter,” said Mouchir.