Douglas Hodson, K.C.

Douglas focuses on commercial litigation and has significant experience in complex arbitrations, transportation law and shareholder disputes.
Education & Qualifications
- Saskatchewan Bar (1985)
- LLB with distinction (Saskatchewan, 1984)
- B.Comm. with honours (Saskatchewan, 1981)
- English

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More about me
- Canadian National Railway Co. v. McKercher LLP, 2013 SCC 39, counsel for Canadian National Railway before the Supreme Court of Canada in a successful appeal on a landmark decision clarifying a lawyer’s duty of loyalty to clients, as well as the scope of conflicts of interest rules governing the legal profession in Canada. The decision was named by Lexpert Magazine as the most significant case in Canadian litigation for 2013
- Great Western Brewing Company Ltd. v Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission, 2019 ABCA 468, represented Great Western Brewing Company before the Court of Appeal of Alberta, successfully upholding a Court of Queen’s Bench decision finding the Alberta 2015 and 2016 liquor markups to be unconstitutional, as constituting a barrier to interprovincial trade contrary to section 121 of the Constitution Act, 1867. This is the first time that a provincial law has been successfully challenged on the grounds that it violates section 121 of the Constitution Act, 1867
- Egger et al. v. Waisman et al., 2022 SKKB 249, counsel for the applicant shareholders in a successful application under the the liquidation and dissolution provisions of the Saskatchewan Business Corporations Act to divide six hotels between two equal shareholder groups, solely on the basis of deadlock. This is the first case in Saskatchewan where the court used its discretion to fashion a remedy other than the liquidation and dissolution of the corporations
- Rifco Inc. (Re.), 2020 ABQB 366, Represented the purchaser, ACC Holdings Inc. (“ACC”) in the successful opposition to an application by Rifco Inc. for a final order under s. 193(9) of the Alberta Business Corporations Act to compel ACC to complete the purchase of shares of Rifco Inc. pursuant to an Arrangement Agreement, which had been terminated as a result of a material adverse effect
- Canadian Pacific Railway Co. v Canada (Attorney General); 2016 SCC 1, Counsel for Canadian Pacific Railway before the Supreme Court of Canada in an appeal challenging the validity of interswitching regulations enacted by the Canadian Transportation Agency
- Canadian National Railway Company v Richardson International Limited, 2020 FCA 20, Counsel for Canadian National Railway Company before the Federal Court of Appeal in a successful appeal under the Canada Transportation Act overturning a decision of the Canadian Transportation Agency in relation to an interswitching order in Alberta
- Canadian National Railway Company v Minister of Transport, 2020 FC 119, Counsel for Canadian National Railway Company before the Federal Court in a successful appeal of a decision of the Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada. The Federal Court quashed the decision of the Tribunal which found CN had breached provisions of the Railway Safety Act
- Yolbolsum Canada Inc. v Golden Opportunities Inc. et al, 2019 SKQB 285, Counsel for 11 defendants in a successful application to strike a claim seeking damages in excess of $400 million for actions taken by the defendants in relation to the liquidation of Phenomenome Discoveries Inc. The Court struck the claim as an abuse of process with costs to the defendants
- Canadian National Railway Company v. Viterra Inc. et al., 2017 FCA 6, counsel for Canadian National Railway before the Federal Court of Appeal in a successful appeal under the Canada Transportation Act, overturning a decision of the Canadian Transportation Agency in relation to the level of service provided by the railway in the context of the historic grain crop of 2013
- Jackson v. Canadian National Railway, 2015 ABCA 89, recovering more than $400,000 in costs relating to the successful defence of a significant class action. As of its issuance, the cost award represented the largest reported quantum to date in the context of Alberta class proceedings.
- Saskatoon & Region Home Builders’ Association Inc. v. The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada, 2014 SKQB 89, counsel for the Children’s Wish Foundation in a successful application for summary judgment regarding the use of provincial lottery proceeds. The application resulted in costs awarded to the Foundation on a solicitor and client basis for the first time in the context of the revised summary judgment regime in Saskatchewan
- Represented Mosaic Potash (Esterhazy) Ltd. in a significant action involving potash reserves and mining practices in motions and appeals, including a leading appellate decision on interlocutory injunctive relief in Saskatchewan (Mosaic Potash Esterhazy Limited Partnership v. Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc., 2011 SKCA 120)
- Jackson v. Canadian National Railway, 2013 ABCA 440, aff’g 2012 ABQB 652 (leave to appeal to SCC dismissed May 29, 2014, SCC No. 35730), successfully representing the defendant railways on an appeal of the dismissal of an application for certification of a class action seeking hundreds of millions of dollars as a result of the alleged overcharging for carriage of grain in Western Canada and the granting of an application for summary judgment in favour of the railways
- David McKinnon v. Red Lily Energy Partnership et al., 2011 SKQB 313, successfully opposing a motion in an uncertified class action for an injunction to restrain the construction of an electricity-generating wind farm
- Fond du Lac First Nation et al. v. Attorney General et al., 2012 FCA 73; aff’g 2010 FC 948, successfully representing a resource company in an application concerning a licence renewal and the extent of the duty to consult First Nations on resource development issues
- Represented railway companies in numerous final offer and service level arbitrations under the Canada Transportation Act
- Represented corporate defendants in major class actions in Saskatchewan and Alberta
- Successfully represented Canadian retailers in constitutional and other challenges to Sunday shopping legislation in Saskatchewan, Alberta and Ontario
- Commission Counsel, Inquiry into the Wrongful conviction of David Milgaard (2004-2007), a public inquiry spanning 192 days of hearings with more than 125 witnesses and 100,000 documents
Doug has argued significant cases before all levels of court in Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario and before the Federal Courts and the Supreme Court of Canada.
Doug is a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and a fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America. He is one of the most distinguished community leaders in Saskatoon. His volunteer portfolio is diverse and extensive, and includes active involvement with a number of professional, business and social organizations. His significant contributions to his profession and community have been recognized on numerous occasions.
- Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers (2007-present)
- Fellow, Litigation Counsel, America Trial Lawyer Honorary Society (2018-present )
- Vice-chair, Board of Directors, Saskatchewan Roughriders Football Club (Saskatchewan, 2018-present)
- Board Member, Remai Modern Foundation (2018-2020)
- Chair, Graham and Ruby DeLaet Foundation Fundraiser, Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan, 2014)
- Chair, $20 Million Capital Campaign, Remai Art Gallery of Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan, 2010-2015)
- Vice-president, Sponsorships, University Cup Canadian University Men’s Hockey Championships (2013-2014)
- Chair, St. Paul’s Hospital Board of Management (2008-2010)
- Director, St. Paul’s Hospital Board of Management (2005-2012)
- Committee Member, Dinner Date, United Way (Saskatoon, 2012)
- Chair, Mike Weir Miracle Golf Drive for Kids (2008)
- President, Heart & Stroke Foundation (Saskatchewan, 2006-2007)
- Director, Heart & Stroke Foundation (Saskatchewan, 2000-2008)
- Chair, Saskatoon District Planning Commission (Saskatoon, 2007-2012)
- Member, Saskatoon District Planning Commission (Saskatoon, 2000-2012)
- President, Royal University Hospital Foundation (2001-2002)
- Co-chair, Royal Care Campaign, Royal University Hospital Foundation (2002-2006)
- Director, Royal University Hospital Foundation (1998-2004)
- Vice-president, Nokia Brier (2004)
- President, Nokia Brier (2000)
- President, United Way (Saskatoon, 2001-2002)
- Campaign Chair, United Way (Saskatoon, 1994)
- Co-author with John Agioritis, “International Comparative Guide to Business Crime 2014: Canada,” ICLG (2013)
- Panellist, “Technology and the Law,” Future of Law Conference (Saskatchewan, 2012)
- Recognized by Best Lawyers in Canada – Railroad Law, Transportation Law (2025)
- Named Lawyer of the Year, Corporate and Commercial Litigation, Best Lawyers in Canada (Saskatoon, 2020; 2024)
- Recognized as a Leading Canadian Lawyer, General Commerical Litigation, Chambers Canada (2021-present)
- Recognized as One of Canada’s Leading Lawyers, Litigation, Lexpert/ROB Special Edition (2019-present)
- Named Litigator of the Year, Benchmark Canada (Saskatchewan, 2019)
- Named One of Canada’s Top Lawyers, General Business Law, Chambers Canada’s (2019-present)
- Named One of Canada’s Top Lawyers, Transportation Law, Chambers Canada’s (2019-present)
- Named Leader in Their Field, Transportation: Rail & Road (Nationwide-Canada), Chambers Canada (2016-present)
- Named Leader in Their Field, General Business Law, Chambers Canada (Saskatchewan, 2016-present)
- Named a Notable Practitioner, Chambers and Partners (2014-present)
- Recognized as One of Canada’s Litigation Stars, Class Actions, Benchmark Canada (2013-present)
- Recognized as One of Canada’s Litigation Stars, General Commercial, Benchmark Canada (2016-present)
- Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012)
- Named One of the 100 Distinguished Graduates, Centennial Celebrations (Saskatchewan, 2012)
- Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers (2007)
- Appointed Queen’s Counsel (2007)
- Recognized as a Top Lawyer, Bet-the-Company Litigation, Best Lawyers (2006-present)
- Recognized as a Top Lawyer, Class Action Litigation, Best Lawyers (2006-present)
- Recognized as a Top Lawyer, Corporate and Commercial Litigation, Best Lawyers (2006-present)
- Named a Leading Practitioner, Commercial Litigation, Canadian Lexpert Legal Directory (2006-present)
- Named a Leading Practitioner, Corporate Commercial Litigation, Canadian Lexpert Legal Directory (2006-present)
- Named a Leading Practitioner, Commercial Insurance Litigation, Canadian Lexpert Legal Directory (2006-present)
- Named a Leading Practitioner, Directors and Officers Liability Litigation, Canadian Lexpert Legal Directory (2006-present)
- Named a Leading Practitioner, Professional Liability, Canadian Lexpert Legal Directory (2006-present)
- Recognized as BV Peer Review Rated, Lexis-Nexis/Martindale-Hubbell
- Named 100 People, 100 Reasons Award, Saskatoon Centennial (2006)
- Saskatchewan Centennial Medal (2005)
- Rotary Clubs of Saskatoon Golden Wheel Award, Excellence in Community Service (2005)
- Community Service Award, Canadian Bar Association (Saskatchewan, 2002)
- Alumni Association Humanitarian Award (Saskatchewan, 2001)
- B’nai B’rith Proud of You Award (2000)