More about me

  •  Jantzen Estate v TD Life Insurance Company, 2022 SKQB 113, aff’d 2023 SKCA 76, counsel for TD Life Insurance Company, successfully obtaining summary judgment at the lower court, and having order upheld on appeal, with respect to the interpretation and application of criminal offence exclusion clauses in a life insurance policy
  •  Ituna Investment LP v Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc., 2019 SKQB 75, 2021 SKCA 36, counsel for Ituna Investment LP in litigation regarding the proper interpretation of the investment features of a universal life insurance policy, and the proper interpretation and application of provincial insurance regulations
  • Veolia Water Technologies, Inc., successor by merger to HPD, LLC v K+S Potash Canada General Partnership, 2019 SKCA 25, leave to appeal to SCC refused, 2019 CanLii 94468, counsel for K+S Potash Canada General Partnership in successfully opposing an application to enjoin KSPC from drawing on two letters of credit worth US$29.6 million in connection with the design and construction of a potash mine. This is the first recorded Canadian appellate court decision considering the test to be applied when seeking an interim injunction enjoining the beneficiary of a letter of credit from drawing on that letter
  •  K+S Potash Canada General Partnership v Veolia Water Technologies, Inc., successor by merger to HPD, LLC(21 June 2019) Saskatoon, QBG 278 of 2019 (Sask QB, unreported), counsel for K+S Potash Canada General Partnership on an successful application to set aside an arbitral tribunal award finding the tribunal had jurisdiction claims in connection with the design and construction of a potash mine
  • Great Western Brewing Company Ltd. v Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission, 2019 ABCA 468, represented Great Western Brewing Company before the Court of Appeal of Alberta, successfully upholding a Court of Queen’s Bench decision finding the Alberta 2015 and 2016 liquor markups to be unconstitutional, as constituting a barrier to interprovincial trade contrary to section 121 of the Constitution Act, 1867. This is the first time that a provincial law has been successfully challenged on the grounds that it violates section 121 of the Constitution Act, 1867
  • Ituna Investment LP v Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc., 2019 SKQB 75, appeal to the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal heard (decision pending), counsel for Ituna Investment LP in litigation regarding the proper interpretation of the investment features of a universal life insurance policy, and the proper interpretation and application of insurance regulations
  • Veolia Water Technologies, Inc., successor by merger to HPD, LLC v K+S Potash Canada General Partnership, 2019 SKCA 25, leave to appeal to SCC refused, 2019 CanLii 94468, counsel for K+S Potash Canada General Partnership (“KSPC”) in successfully opposing an application to enjoin KSPC from drawing on two letters of credit worth US$29.6 million in connection with the design and construction of a potash mine. This is the first recorded Canadian appellate court decision considering the test to be applied when seeking an interim injunction enjoining the beneficiary of a letter of credit from drawing on that letter
  • K+S Potash Canada General Partnership v Veolia Water Technologies, Inc., successor by merger to HPD, LLC(21 June 2019) Saskatoon, QBG 278 of 2019 (Sask QB, unreported), counsel for K+S Potash Canada General Partnership on an application to set aside an arbitral tribunal award finding the tribunal had jurisdiction over certain claims put before it by Veolia in connection with the design and construction of a potash mine. The Court of King’s Bench concluded that the disputes at issue were beyond the scope of the parties’ arbitration agreement, and ordered that the arbitral award be set aside and the arbitration stayed

Janelle has appeared before the Saskatchewan Court of King’s Bench, the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan and the Court of Appeal of Alberta.

Prior to joining the firm, she clerked at the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan.

  • Co-managing Editor, Saskatchewan Law Review (2015-2016)
  • Volunteer, ProBono Students Canada (2014-2016)

  • Gold Medallist, Law Society of Saskatchewan (2016)
  • Thomas Dowrick Brown Prize for most distinguished graduate (Saskatchewan, 2016)
  • The Honourable Donald Alexander McNiven Prize, Law (Saskatchewan, 2016)
  • Blakes Scholar (Saskatchewan, 2014-2016)

How I help
