Lexpert has published its 2020 Special Edition on Mining, naming Penny Yeager and Nigel Thompson as leading lawyers in Canada in the area of mining.

The feature appears in the March 2 issue of The Globe and Mail’s Report on Business Magazine. The Lexpert/ROB Special Edition on Mining will highlight Lexpert-ranked lawyers who practice in areas that include mining mandates and have made significant contributions in this area. Included in the publication are in-depth editorial articles discussing the latest industry developments, trends and legal issues in financing, asset acquisition and divestment, Aboriginal law, and environmental and corporate social responsibility.

The firm congratulates Penny and Nigel on this well-deserved recognition.

About Lexpert

Lexpert describes itself as “Canada’s leading source of news and information about the business of law.” Along with its three directories showcasing Canadian legal talent, produces “a number of themed guides and special editions featuring firm and journalist-written articles, as well as information on leading Lexpert-ranked lawyers.”

About Penny Yeager

Penny’s practice focuses on mining, construction and business law. Penny’s transactional experience with resource companies includes joint ventures, and mergers and acquisitions. Penny also advises on marketing, port facility and land tenure matters. Penny’s practice also includes providing competition advice for companies that are merging or that require compliance advice.

About Nigel Thompson

Nigel is a Winnipeg lawyer carrying on general corporate and commercial practice, with particular focus in real estate, environmental law and mining law matters.
