Legal Services for Alberta's Municipalities
The MLT Aikins municipal team is committed to providing timely, innovative and practical advice to our municipal clients across Alberta. On this page: Read recent blog posts, meet our team and learn more about how we can support you.
Meet our team
How we help
MLT Aikins has extensive experience representing numerous municipalities in Western Canada in a general counsel capacity, advising councils, administration, committees and boards.
Our experience covers the range of legal issues a municipality may expect to face on a daily basis including planning, development, enforcement and employment matters as well as longer-term initiatives such as bylaw and policy review and development, and extraordinary circumstances such as planning for and financing major construction projects or dealing with disputes arising from occurrences such as a contaminated water supply.
We have extensive experience on governance issues facing municipal governments and other public bodies including Indigenous communities and their associated legal entities. We have helped our municipal clients build foundations for good governance and operations. Our experience includes reviewing and drafting municipal bylaws and policies and reviewing and drafting contracts.
We also provide advice on issues involving:
- Governance matters
- Jurisdictional challenges
- Procurement
- Privacy
- Annexations
- Expropriations
- Inter-municipal disputes
- Inter-municipal agreements including cost sharing, servicing, mutual aid, fire service and others
Our municipal team regularly develops materials for presentations to municipal councils and professional and industry groups on topics such as municipal and corporate governance, construction and procurement issues, tax recovery, off-site levies and other infrastructure cost recovery options, information and privacy, as well as planning and development matters.