Municipal Insights

Image for Constructive expropriation and fair market value

Constructive expropriation and fair market value

Image for Does Canadian modern slavery legislation apply to municipalities?

Does Canadian modern slavery legislation apply to municipalities?

Image for Could municipalities in Saskatchewan ban fossil fuel heating in new homes?

Could municipalities in Saskatchewan ban fossil fuel heating in new homes?

Image for Cybersecurity tips for designing a smart city

Cybersecurity tips for designing a smart city

Image for City held liable for injury on private property: Lessons for owners of public facilities

City held liable for injury on private property: Lessons for owners of public facilities

Image for Must your chair sit in their chair?

Must your chair sit in their chair?

Image for Are rural municipalities required to reimburse councillors for legal fees?

Are rural municipalities required to reimburse councillors for legal fees?

Image for Regina introduces “historic” Indigenous Procurement Policy

Regina introduces “historic” Indigenous Procurement Policy

Image for How municipalities can crack down on snooping

How municipalities can crack down on snooping

Image for Is an indefinite suspension of a municipal councillor an unauthorized removal?

Is an indefinite suspension of a municipal councillor an unauthorized removal?