Corporate / Commercial Insights

Image for Manitoba’s new limitations legislation and its impact on franchise law

Manitoba’s new limitations legislation and its impact on franchise law

Image for Non-disclosure agreements: What you need to know

Non-disclosure agreements: What you need to know

Image for The importance of IP in M&A transactions

The importance of IP in M&A transactions

Image for Fair play – The duty of fair dealing and its impact on the franchise relationship

Fair play – The duty of fair dealing and its impact on the franchise relationship

Image for When can a director or officer of a franchise become personally liable?

When can a director or officer of a franchise become personally liable?

Image for What are material facts and changes? Why does disclosure matter in franchise law?

What are material facts and changes? Why does disclosure matter in franchise law?

Image for Saskatchewan’s franchise disclosure legislation: How does it measure up?

Saskatchewan’s franchise disclosure legislation: How does it measure up?

Image for Franchise case law highlights and noteworthy decisions during 2023

Franchise case law highlights and noteworthy decisions during 2023

Image for Canada adopts the Apostille Convention to streamline document verification

Canada adopts the Apostille Convention to streamline document verification

Image for CBCA Corporations’ New Filing Requirements on Individuals with Significant Control

CBCA Corporations’ New Filing Requirements on Individuals with Significant Control