Lexpert recently released its 2021 Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, naming 62 MLT Aikins lawyers as leading practitioners in their respective practice areas.

Len Andrychuk, Q.C. – Construction Law, Environmental Law, Indigenous Law

Richmond Bayes – Corporate Finance, Corporate Mid-Market

Erin Bokshowan – Corporate/Commercial, Estates and Tax Planning

Randy Brunet, Q.C. – Computer & IT Law, Technology Transactions

J.J. Burnell – Insolvency & Financial Restructuring

Todd Campbell – Medical Negligence (Represents Defendants), Professional Liability

David Carrick – Computer & IT Law, Technology Transactions

Daryl Chicoine – Construction Law

Milt Christiansen – Employment Law (Employer), Labour Relations (Management)

Meaghan Conroy – Indigenous

Shandra Czarnecki – Employment Law (Employer), Labour Relations (Management)

Scott Davidson – Intellectual Property

John Dipple – Construction Law, Corporate Commercial Law

Keith Ferbers – Medical Negligence (Represents Defendants), Medical Negligence (Represents Plaintiffs)

James Ferguson, Q.C. – Corporate Commercial Law, Corporate Mid-Market

David Filmon, Q.C. – Corporate Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions

Gregory Fleetwood – Medical Negligence (Represents Defendants)

Alain Gaucher, Q.C. – Corporate Tax, Estate & Personal Tax Planning

Kristin Gibson – Labour Relations (Management), Workplace Human Rights (Employee)

Danielle Graff – Computer & IT law

Ryan Hallman – Corporate/Commercial

Thor Hansell – Medical Negligence (Represents Defendants)

Jordan Hardy, Q.C. – Estate Litigation

Douglas Hodson, Q.C. – Litigation – Commercial Insurance, Litigation – Corporate/Commercial, Litigation – Directors’ and Officers’ Liability, Professional Liability

Rangi Jeerakathil – Energy (Electricity), Environmental Law, Indigenous

Bob Kasian – Property Leasing

Tyler Kochanski – Litigation – Corporate/Commercial

Steven Kohn – Corporate Tax

Jonathan Kroft – Litigation – Corporate/Commercial

Deron Kuski, Q.C. – Litigation – Corporate/Commercial, Professional Liability

Drew Lafond – Indigenous

Maurice Laprairie, Q.C. – Litigation – Corporate/Commercial, Professional Liability

Jeff Lee, Q.C. – Insolvency & Restructuring (Litigation), Litigation – Corporate/Commercial

Ryan Lepage – Litigation – Corporate/Commercial

Brian Lerner – Corporate/Commercial, Corporate Mid-Market

Adam Levene – Corporate Tax

Jana Linner – Employment Law

Eileen Libby, Q.C. – Employment Law (Employer), Labour Relations (Management), Workplace Human Rights (Employer)

Stathy Markatos – Corporate/Commercial, Corporate Finance, Corporate Mid-Market

John Martens – Litigation – Corporate/Commercial

Garnet Matsuba, Q.C. – Corporate Tax

James Mercury – Litigation – Corporate/Commercial

Jason Mohrbutter – Class Actions

Shaunt Parthev, Q.C. – Litigation – Commercial Insurance, Litigation – Corporate/Commercial, Litigation – Directors’ and Officers’ Liability, Professional Liability

Michelle Redekopp – Corporate/Commercial, Property Development

Jordan Riese – Corporate Finance

David Rolf, Q.C. – Indigenous

Todd Rosenberg – Corporate Tax

Brent Ross – Litigation – Commercial Insurance, Litigation – Corporate/Commercial

Aaron Runge – Corporate/Commercial, Corporate Finance, Corporate Mid-Market, Mergers & Acquisitions

Nathan Schissel – Computer & IT Law

William E.J. Skelly – Asset-Based Lending, Transportation (Road & Rail)

Douglas Stewart – Corporate Finance

Nigel Thompson – Property Development

Todd Thomson – Corporate Finance

Jean Torrens – Employment Law (Employer), Workplace Human Rights (Employer)

Helga Van Iderstine – Medical Negligence (Represents Defendants)

Colleen Verville, Q.C. – Indigenous

Nicole Watson – Medical Negligence (Represents Defendants)

Kevin Wilson, Q.C. – Employment Law (Employer), Labour Relations (Management), Workplace Human Rights (Employer)

Kurt Wintermute – Litigation – Corporate Tax

Michael Ziesmann – Corporate Tax

MLT Aikins congratulates all the lawyers recognized in this year’s Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory. The 2021 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory is notably its 25th anniversary edition.

About Lexpert

Lexpert is a leading source of news and information about the business of law in Canada. Its publications and services include Lexpert Magazine, the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, the Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada, the Lexpert/CCCA Corporate Counsel Directory and Yearbook, the Lexpert Law Student and Associate Recruitment Guide and Lexpert Conferences. Lexpert also maintains Canada’s most comprehensive “who’s acting for whom” legal transaction and lawsuit database.

Published since 1997, the annual Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory is a comprehensive guide to legal talent in Canada. It identifies leading lawyers across Canada in 64 practice areas. It has become a well-known resource for Canadian corporate counsel and Canadian law firms as well as for U.S. corporate counsel and law firms in need of Canadian legal expertise.

The lawyers listed in the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory have no say in deciding the practice areas in which they are included. They are placed in practice areas entirely as a result of the votes they receive from their peers.